Friday, July 5, 2013

I love love!

I'm so excited today for one of my dear friends! Kayleigh is ENGAGED!! I couldn't be more happy for a couple :)

She was a badass helping us with our wedding and I just know that her's will be so incredibly beautiful. 

I just love to see people in love! I love to see couples who treat each other right (let's face it, that's rare these days!) and whose love seems like it will withstand anything and everything life has to throw at them.

Marriage has been such a blessing for Jesse and I and I just get so excited for people who are going to start their marriage journey too. 

Kayleigh will most definitely be one heck of a gorgeous bride! Congrats you two lovebirds!! We wish you all the best and many years of happiness :)

I'd like to think this moment had a little something to do with it ;)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America!

It's the 4th of July y'all!

We've had a fairly lazy one :) We had a little Mexican food for lunch and hung out at the apartment with Moose.

Right this very second, we're sitting in a parking lot near Fiesta Texas waiting for fireworks! We went over to my parents' for dinner and had some BBQ, yum.

I made a cake inspired by Pintetest so we were all eager to cut into it today for the surprise inside!! It was a lot of work and a little tricky but it came out well and made for a great 4th of July treat :)

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy day celebrating our freedom! Thank you to all of the military men, women, and families for all that you do and all that you sacrifice!!


Moosey Goosey

Well, Moose has been ours for almost a week! 

She has done so well with us! She has really come a long way since her first night. She is pretty well behaved here now at night and she certainly doesn't spend as much time meowing by the window. She has really surprised us by the way she so naturally used the litterbox. She most definitely had to have been someone's pet. It's so sad someone would give her up. She is such a sweet, loving little kitty. She's never tried to bite or scratch us and she's never acted aggressively.

She still needs to adjust to some of the noises here but overall she's doing great! And we love her to death!! It's so sweet to sit and watch Jesse play with her :)

Our little family has grown by one ball of fur! 

Monday, July 1, 2013


Moose is a girl!

Moose had HER first vet appointment today. The vet confirmed that Moosey Goosey is indeed a lady :) 10.2 lbs of cat! The vet believes she is fixed and between 2-5 years old. We are calling 3 years. So Moose's official birthday is going to be June 28, 2010 in our book! 

We really really hope Moose will warm up to the idea of being an indoor cat because we will love her to pieces if she'll let us :)

The vet gave us a laser pointer and Moose goes crazy over it!

Welcome to our little family you sweet, little ball of fur! 

And for your daily dose of humor/cuteness...

As Jesse was cooking dinner tonight, I asked if the noodles were done. After tasting one he replied, "They are perfect, just like you and Moose!"