Friday, November 15, 2013

Goodbye Wisdom Teeth!

I had my wisdom teeth removed Wednesday!

I had been to the dentist back in October and they recommended I have them taken out because they were impacted and would eventually cause problems. Also, turns out, I only had three. Two top ones and a bottom left one. The lady who did my pano x-ray said she has seen up to 8!

Anyway, I had never been under anesthesia before so I was kind of nervous. Jesse took me to my appointment and they lead us back to the room. The assistant went over all of the home care with us. For whatever reason, I told her I wanted my teeth back (I'm odd, I know). When the oral surgeon came in, he started looking for veins. I had to break the news that I was a hard stick. Lucky me, the guy used to do sticks for cancer patients (who have really terrible veins due to the chemo drugs) so he got it on the first try and I hardly even felt it.

He had started me on gas to try and raise some veins. I told him I didn't think it was working because I didn't feel any different. He said it could take a few minutes but after the stick he started the anesthesia right away. He told me the first would make my pelvic area itch... and it did! Then he administered the next drug and said it would make me drowsy. All the while I'm sitting there thinking, I feel no different (other then then itching). That's about all I remember. Jesse said I informed them all the that everything in the room was spinning and then he was escorted out to the waiting room.

When I came to, I was crying. I kept asking why and the assistant just told me the anesthesia makes people very emotional. I guess I was awake enough (and upset) so they brought Jesse back. Once I composed myself, I asked to see my teeth. I was a little upset that she only handed me a baggie with two teeth. She informed me that the third had to be broken into pieces and was in the trash. I also told her I wanted to go home and see a Moose haha Jesse told her that's our cat. After I was awake enough to make it to a wheel chair, we started out to the car. As we were headed out, we passed a long line of sticker rolls. Of course I pointed them out and of course we stopped so I could pick some lol I gave them a good once over and the assistant told me what they all were. I ended up picking a teal one because "it's close to green and green is my favorite color." Then I looked again and took a second Angry Birds Christmas sticker. Classy. As I was sticker hunting, I heard Michael Buble on the radio. I mentioned it and the receptionist asked what I had said. I replied, "I love Buble! He's the only man I'd ever leave my husband for." Yes, I really did say that.

I thanked the assistant for her help getting into the car and off we went. We had to stop at HEB for my prescriptions and I insisted on going inside. I'm sure I scared a few people.

I actually do not feel too bad. I have heard horror stories but so far, I'm just pretty sore and only on one side. I've only had to take one pain killer. It's a little uncomfortable since my jaw is sore and I can't open it all the way but nothing I can't live with.

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family. My dear sweet husband spent much of his day off at the dentist with me and then waiting on me at home. He is the best (and most handsome) nurse. My dad also offered to take me to my appointment and drive me home and take care of me despite the fact that he had chemo this week and started a new drug. My mom offered her dental expertise and has checked on me several times a day since my surgery. It is nice to have so many people to count on.

Who knew a wisdom tooth extraction story could be so lengthy, eh?

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