Saturday, January 25, 2014

Truly Happy Couples DO Post on Facebook

So I've seen this thing on Pinterest a lot lately and I gotta tell ya, I HATE it! HATE. IT.

There is no doubt in my mind that some people who post sappy things on Facebook are desperately trying to convince people that everything is just peachy in their relationship. If you know the couple, you know they aren't fooling anyone. HOWEVER, I 100%, absolutely, whole heartedly believe that bragging about your significant other and your relationship is a must do! 

I love to share every single sappy, mushy, lovey dovey, make people sick from all the sweetness thing I can about my wonderful husband! Let me tell you why...

One reason is because I think it is so important to acknowledge the little things, the things that make your heart swell. So many people only want to complain about their other halves. People are quick to point out all of the negative things going on. Why not focus on the good things?

The other reason is because I think it's good for other people to see that there are wonderful, healthy relationships out there. I know several people who seem to be in a less than desirable relationship. People who think that what should be everyday niceties are special occasions. Wouldn't it be great to show them that they are getting ripped off in the love department? That they deserve so much more? That it's out there and they need only keep looking?

The relationship Jesse and I have is certainly not perfect. We have our moments, who doesn't? But for the most part what we have is such a great, equal, loving, fun partnership. I am so incredibly blessed to have found someone who genuinely makes my life better just by being in it. I want everyone to experience a love like ours. Because even though it has its flaws, at the end of the day, we are so in love that nothing else matters. 

So I post to facebook. I blog. I brag about my husband to anyone and everyone who will listen. (Just last night he had me laughing so much I could hardly stand it) And despite what this silly e-card says, we are perfectly, truly happy :) I think the world could stand to hear more about happy relationships and less about unhealthy ones. Enough with the cheating scandals, the abuse, the loveless couples and lonely nights. Let's share more about perfect nights in, date nights, little things that brighten our days. Good relationships are out there, you've just gotta find the right person!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Malachi 3:10

I'm sure there are many ways to know if you've chosen the right church, I have had a few of those moments but this weekend I realized Jesse must be having them too.

I had a moment when I put in a prayer request for Dad and the very next day I received a call from an Associate Pastor, Dave, to talk about it. 

I had a moment when basically every service seemed to have a sermon aimed directly at me and the things weighing heaviest on me. 

I have moments every week when the music they play really speaks to me.

This past Sunday, it seems Jesse had a moment, which in turn led to my own moment. Let me just start by saying I have attended several services at different churches with Jesse in which the sermon was about tithing. It always ends the same. Jesse leaves turned off because the preacher seems only to want money for himself and the church. What bills can be paid with the money? How much can go to his salary? And I agree. Some of the preachers who have spoken on the subject have really rubbed us the wrong way in their delivery (and frequency!). 

This weekend Pastor Jeff preached a sermon on tithing. Just tithing. Not what tithing can do to help pay bills, or to help keep on budget, or to help his salary. He approached tithing in a completely different way. What can tithing do for you! He described God's math in such a way that (here's Jesse's a-ha moment) Jesse left wanting to tithe MORE.

I'll be the first to admit that we do not tithe 10%. But the fact that this pastor was able to change my husband's heart on the matter is incredible! 

He explained it like this: When you tithe your ten percent, whether you have it to give or not, God will provide for you. God's math is harder to understand but it's all about trust. Trust in God and he'll take care of you. If you bless God with your tithe, He will bless you and He will bless others. In Malachi 3:10 God asks us to test Him. He WANTS us to trust Him. He wants to be given the chance to bless us even more. It's a beautiful thing really.

So this weekend and the following, we will be adding more to the offering plate. Pastor Jeff challenged the congregation to trust God for 90 days with your finances. Looks like we're up for the challenge. And the best part is that Jesse is the one who made the suggestion. I knew how much I liked the church and how much I felt like it's where I should be to get right with God again, but now I'm more convinced that Jesse is growing spiritually there too!

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." - Malachi 3:10

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



I'm sitting here this morning with Moose while Jesse snoozes away. We rang in a New Year last night and had so much fun! 

We wanted to start some traditions so I scoured the internet and found a few. We went out and got sausage (pork) for dinner, a symbol of good luck in the south. We also picked up some donuts! Eating round food represents your year coming fill circle. We also read that in Scotland, people exchange silverware. So we've decided to pick a new piece of silverware every year and add it to our collection. We bought a cute little chest to keep them in! Besides for those, we also went bowling again this year :) That's something that we started doing last year. We also made a stop by Kayleigh's NYE party, she's a New Years Eve baby so we celebrated her birthday.

My favorite thing we decided to do was a memory jar (thanks again Pinterest!). We started it January 1, 2013. We filled it with all kinds of memories and read them last night before the ball dropped. We wrote some things on a note card. We kept little momentos from other things, it was nice to go through all of them and see what a great year we had.

Let's see... In 2013:

We moved into our first place!
We had a beautiful bridal shower.
I had a fun bachelorette party. 
Jesse had a bachelor party.
We celebrated 6 years together.
I became a Hanrahan.
We celebrated lots of first holidays.
Jesse graduated college!!
We went on an Alaskan honeymoon.
Dad had surgery and made his recovery.
A new niece was born.
We adopted Moosey Goose!
Friends were married and engaged.
We went to concerts.
A trip to a Cowboys game.
We hosted our first Thanksgiving.
We celebrated our first Christmas.

Lots and lots of good times this past year. We can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!