I had a moment when I put in a prayer request for Dad and the very next day I received a call from an Associate Pastor, Dave, to talk about it.
I had a moment when basically every service seemed to have a sermon aimed directly at me and the things weighing heaviest on me.
I have moments every week when the music they play really speaks to me.
This past Sunday, it seems Jesse had a moment, which in turn led to my own moment. Let me just start by saying I have attended several services at different churches with Jesse in which the sermon was about tithing. It always ends the same. Jesse leaves turned off because the preacher seems only to want money for himself and the church. What bills can be paid with the money? How much can go to his salary? And I agree. Some of the preachers who have spoken on the subject have really rubbed us the wrong way in their delivery (and frequency!).
This weekend Pastor Jeff preached a sermon on tithing. Just tithing. Not what tithing can do to help pay bills, or to help keep on budget, or to help his salary. He approached tithing in a completely different way. What can tithing do for you! He described God's math in such a way that (here's Jesse's a-ha moment) Jesse left wanting to tithe MORE.
I'll be the first to admit that we do not tithe 10%. But the fact that this pastor was able to change my husband's heart on the matter is incredible!
He explained it like this: When you tithe your ten percent, whether you have it to give or not, God will provide for you. God's math is harder to understand but it's all about trust. Trust in God and he'll take care of you. If you bless God with your tithe, He will bless you and He will bless others. In Malachi 3:10 God asks us to test Him. He WANTS us to trust Him. He wants to be given the chance to bless us even more. It's a beautiful thing really.
So this weekend and the following, we will be adding more to the offering plate. Pastor Jeff challenged the congregation to trust God for 90 days with your finances. Looks like we're up for the challenge. And the best part is that Jesse is the one who made the suggestion. I knew how much I liked the church and how much I felt like it's where I should be to get right with God again, but now I'm more convinced that Jesse is growing spiritually there too!
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." - Malachi 3:10
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