2/9/14: So in January, we had some very serious discussions about where we wanted to be this year. I was leaning towards house but Jesse wanted to wait a bit. When faced with the decision, he wanted babies over a house. So we signed another lease. We'll be residents here until at least 2015.
In other news, we started TTC! I stopped taking my BC pills January 9th. We haven't told anyone. We really want this journey to be ours and ours alone. We don't want the added pressure of people's opinions and hundreds of questions. I especially dread the thought of having to answer the inevitable "so are you pregnant yet? How long have you been trying?" questions. So here we are, walking down this road with only each other. It's a little scary, but very exciting!
2/11/14: I've gotta tell ya, so far TTC is for the birds. I was so hopeful that month one would be some miracle month and that I'd be pregnant already. Apparently that's not really how it works and our first month of trying was unsuccessful. I was pretty bummed. I had visited my GYN and she warned me that my cycle may be a little off the first couple of months after stopping BC. Well, she was right and my hopes were high only to be dashed by a negative pregnancy test and a two day late period. So, we'll keep trying. We are just getting started so while I was really wishing for an awesome first try, I know it'll happen for us soon enough. I suppose the silver lining is we will definitely make the one year mark that we sorta set for ourselves to be married before starting a family. Yay us.
2/13/14: Today, I got a flu shot. Why? Because my GYN recommended I get one. Pregnant women (which I hope to be soon enough) are immunosupressed so, flu shot. I never get a flu shot. Never. But, you do whatcha gotta do when you're trying to create a human! Good news is my $39 shot was completely covered by insurance :)
2/25/14: Turns out when you're TTC, every little thing feels like a pregnancy symptom. This weekend I was extremely dizzy. I spent most of Sunday in bed trying to fight it. I tried eating and drinking plenty of water, no real change. I didn't start feeling better until almost bedtime. This brings me to my point... Is this dizziness an indicator of pregnancy?! I've never had this happen before. Of course I immediately jumped on google. Apparently dizziness may very well mean pregnancy. Or it could be 101 other things. I suppose we'll be waiting (a LONG) two weeks to see.
3/10/14: So my period again was a no show. Took a test. Got this.
Needless to say, we weren't excited. I was really hoping the dizziness was a sure sign of pregnancy. So we thought, on to month three....
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