Saturday, November 15, 2014


Well, that escalated quickly! I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and my blood pressure was as high as it has been... So off to the hospital we were sent!

I was a bit shocked to say the least. I called Jesse and he met me at home to grab our bags and we headed to St. Luke's. After what seemed like an eternity, we were put in Labor and Delivery room 9. At about 2:30pm I was finally hooked up to pitocin to try and kick start labor. It certainly did cause contractions! I hadn't been feeling them on my own but the pitocin took care of that. At 6pm when I hadn't made any more progress than the 1.5cm I arrived at, the doctor took pity on me and stopped the meds so I could eat and shower. At about 8:30pm they gave me a different medicine called cervadil. That was in all night. This morning they removed that and I got checked... 2 whopping centimeters after all that. 

They are going to start me back on the pitocin soon. The only good news is that I'm starting to feel contractions on my own without the meds. 

Also, in my boredom this morning while Jesse snoozes away, I found out that our baby will share a birthday with Sam Waterston aka Jack Mcoy of Law and Order (if baby makes their grand arrival today). How appropriate :)

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