I always knew I'd be a working mom but it still stinks! She's so small. I am lucky to have had 10 weeks home with her but it just doesn't seem like enough.
This country needs to get with the times and offer better maternity leave like most other places in the world.
She'll be close to home and my job so that's comforting in case I need to get to her quick.
I'm sure she'll love the interaction with other kids when she gets a little older and it'll be good for her to get social interaction with other people. She's just been extra clingy to me lately that I worry until she adjusts she's going to be miserable.
My sweet husband helped yesterday and he probably doesn't even realize how much it meant to me. We take turns praying before dinner. Yesterday he prayed for a smooth transition for me and Wes next week. It's comforting to know that he sympathizes with how hard I anticipate leaving her will be.
I hope I don't have a meltdown taking her the first few times. At least it'll be a short week since I start back to work on a Thursday.
Here's hoping we both adjust quickly!