Friday, January 9, 2015

And then you're not...

I think the strangest thing about pregnancy is that one day you are and the next day you aren't! Poof! 

Sometimes my whole pregnancy still feels so surreal. Like it didn't happen. Like I never was. Like a stork just left Wesleigh on our doorstep.

I think it's because (besides the new, not necessarily improved bod) everything just returns back to normal. You don't feel nauseous anymore... And let's face it, at one point, I thought I'd never eat normal again. You aren't swollen anymore. My feet hurt to walk on the day I delivered and the day after. I thought my feet might burst open. Now they are perfectly normal sized again, along with my hands.  You're belly is gone. I mean, you're left with some extra flab but the big, round belly, just gone. 

And then there's the actual labor. I still cannot believe that a human, a big big human, came out of me. One minute she was inside and the next she was out. And let's not forget the fact that it's unreal to think about how she could've fit in there in the first place. 

And she's not even two months yet and the whole thing feels like it was a lifetime ago. 

You spend nine months preparing for birth and then it's just over. Very weird this whole pregnancy thing. Very weird.

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