Here's my hope for today.
I hope that people can be kind to one another. Tonight, someone will win and someone will lose. Someone will be the new president, that's the only guarantee. I think that a lot of people would agree that these two people are not who we would ideally choose to lead our nation. Both candidates have said or done deplorable things. I have seen so much hate this election season and I want better for my daughter, for our children.
My biggest hope for tonight is that I will see gracious winners and losers. Because here's the thing, if we want a better, kinder world for our kids, it starts with us. It starts with your behavior at home. Our children should first look to us to be examples. It is our job as parents to help fight the good fight against hate in this country. It is up to us to teach them right from wrong no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office.
Whatever the outcome tonight, remember that there are impressionable little people watching. Their eyes are on us, always. What will they learn from you?
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