Friday, December 19, 2014

My Husband is a Dad

This post is a month and a week overdue!

I know. I know. I say it all the time but my husband is pretty great. He's been absolutely wonderful since Wesleigh made her arrival.

From the second I called him to tell him that I was in labor he was the epitome of calm. He did his best to try and calm my nerves, which is never an easy task. 

He came straight home and drove us to the hospital. Let's face it, I was a nervous wreck and didn't need to be driving.

From the second they checked me in and hooked me up he was so supportive. He sat by the bedside and held my hand. He got me wet rags to cool me off. He continually told me how good I was doing. 

He was especially awesome during my actual delivery. I was doing fairly well until my epidural wore off. Then I had a complete meltdown. He kept calm. He helped count through my pushes (of course at the time I hated him for not counting faster). He encouraged me like you wouldn't believe when I wanted to give up because well, who wants to feel all 9lbs 8.6oz of baby coming out of their lady parts?! 

After delivery, when things got crazy, he did such a great job of trying to look after both of his girls. I sent him with Wes to the NICU because I thought she needed him more. She was just minutes old and would surely need her daddy. He was so incredible that he went back and forth between her and I until I was settled into a new room and we could both go see her. 

When I woke up after only two hours of sleep hysterical because (a) I was scared for my little girl and (b) I had to pee so bad and couldn't get out of bed because of the pain I was in, he didn't panic. He held me and let me cry then he helped me out of bed. 

We visited the NICU as often as we could. It was so sweet to watch him interact with his daughter. He clearly has a new love in his life and I'm perfectly okay with that. 

Jesse helped me nurse, he helped wash pump parts, he ran errands, he kept us fed. All while running on little sleep and having to go back to work. 

The help didn't stop when we got home. Because Wes was already on bottles in the NICU, it was easy for us to continue that at home. This made it so easy for him to help with feedings so I could sleep. He helps make dinner, clean, do little things around the apartment, run errands. He doesn't complain when he gets home from work and I need help with the baby. He doesn't complain that I hardly ever have dinner made anymore.  

I just don't think I'd be able to do any of this with anybody else. He's the best husband and he's the best daddy our little girl could ask for! 

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